7 Reasons Why Avocado Is A Superfood

7 Reasons Why Avocado Is A Superfood

With the origin in South Central Mexico, Avocado is a prominent fruit known for its taste and its nice texture. Its USP is that it has multi-utility and can be added to several recipes. But now the question arises is why it is a superfood and from where it can be ordered?

So a superfood is a food that gives a high quantity of nutrients and antioxidants. These foods have an immense amount of health benefits along with the properties of preventing illness and boosting your Immune System. Avocado is considered a superfood as it contains a lot of nutrients and antioxidants including folic acid, Omega 3, magnesium, potassium, lutein, and fiber. Avocado is rich in A, C, D, E, K vitamins and B Group vitamins too. You would definitely find these listed advantages of Avacado fruitful for yourself and your family:

  • Avocado is A Rich Fatty Food

    By the means of calling it a fatty food, does not imply that it will put more pressure on the heart as other fatty fruits do, but to your surprise, the fat present in Avacado holds Oleic Acids which carry many health benefits, Oleic Acid is also a major component in Olive oil. It has incredible effects on Genes linked to cancer, also it helps in lowering down the inflammation. Avocado oil is also one of the safest choices as it resists the heat induced oxidation.

  • Avocado helps in Maintaining Cholesterol and Triglyceride Levels

    BHeart Disease being the most dangerous one these days requires natural and organic solutions. Avacado has astonishing effects on Cholesterol and Triglyceride Levels. Studies show that regular intake of Avacado in a vegetarian diet can improve your Cholesterol Profile. It has the following effects :

    Reduce blood triglycerides to 20%.
    Lower LDL i.e. Bad cholesterol to 22%.
    Increase HDL i.e. Good cholesterol to 11%.

  • Arthritis can be cured with Avocado

    As stated above in the article, Avocado is rich in carotenoid lutein and Vitamin E, also it can reduce inflammation which decreases the risk of damage in joints seen in osteoarthritis. Hence Avacado helps you in reducing the chances of Arthritis.

  • Weight Loose is Possible with Avacado

    Obesity is one of the major problems in many parts of the world, people spend a lot to lose weight and be fit, But are you aware that Avocado being a fatty food has the properties to release weight? Yes, that’s right what you read, According to a study people who inculcate Avocado in their diet feel 23% more satisfied in the next 5 hours in respect to their hunger. Also Avocado is having more amount of fiber in comparison to carbs which is a positive signal to be fit.

  • Makes you less prone to depression

    Avocado contains folate which prevents homocysteine a matter which harms the flow of nutrients to the brain, its excess can even disturb the balance of hormones like serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine who play a key role in behavioral pattern, sleep and eating habits.

  • Leverage you to munch all the Junk

    As stated before Avacado is rich in Fiber, which minimizes the probability of constipation, keeps the digestive system healthy and avoids the possibility of colon cancer.

    So if you are bored with the daily struggle which you have to face to feed healthy food to your children, then my dear don’t worry Avacado is one stop solution for it, it’s great taste, creamy texture and ample of nutrients will satisfy all your requirements.
    Order now your fresh crate of Avocado’s and indulge them in your daily Routine!
    Just Click on the link below: www.irilfarms.com.

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